
Weixing Machine
Weixing Machine
Weixing Machine
Weixing Machine


Professional roll processing equipment enterprises

Nantong Weixing Machine Co., Ltd., located in the beautiful and rich Nantong city close to the territorial waters of River, is a professional roll processing equipment design and manufacturing company. The company integrates the advantages of the products both at home and abroad, and it mainly produces roll transverse rib groove (crescent) CNC machine tool, CNC machine tool with lettering on roll end face, roll machine tool, roll barrel CNC engraved machine tool and other special machine tools, and has advanced technology equipment and perfect testing means to ensure the manufacturing quality of products. With respect to design and production, the internationally advanced CAD and CAM technology is used.


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aiso use the key of faith to cooperate with our distributors and clients as usual....
Could be divided into two types: horizontal and vertical CNC horizontal lathe. Horizontal lathe and a horizontal guide rail and inclined guide two kin.....


元阳县| 荣成市| 水富县| 黄浦区| 余姚市| 兰西县| 思茅市| 深州市| 齐齐哈尔市| 英吉沙县| 精河县| 杂多县| 望城县| 韩城市| 静安区| 常熟市| 乐平市| 南充市| 平邑县| 呼图壁县| 灌南县| 名山县| 湖口县| 元江| 扶沟县| 文山县| 大兴区| 托克逊县| 栾川县| 浪卡子县| 城固县| 乐亭县| 长治市| 会理县| 化隆| 清原| 井陉县| 鄂伦春自治旗| 武鸣县| 保山市| 虞城县|